The Wellness Frequency

Ep. 5 Beyond the Buzz: Scott Schwab on CBD's Real Benefits and Mett Naturals' Mission

Carli Kilgore Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode, Carli interviews Scott Schwab, CEO and co-founder of Met Naturals, about the benefits of CBD and hemp. Scott shares his personal journey of using CBD to manage pain and inflammation caused by peripheral neuropathy. He explains how he started Met Naturals to provide high-quality CBD products that are sourced from regenerative farms and undergo rigorous testing. Scott also discusses the differences between hemp and marijuana, the therapeutic properties of CBD, and the extraction methods used by Met Naturals. CBD and other cannabinoids can be used to address various imbalances and symptoms in the body. Common uses include pain management, antioxidant support, sleep improvement, and anxiety relief. CBD can help regulate the circadian rhythm and promote deep, restful sleep. It is important to establish wellness foundations such as hydration, movement, and sunlight exposure. CBD products like gummies and tinctures can be used to manage stress and anxiety, but it is important to start with small doses and find the right amount for each individual. The daily gel caps can provide long-term support for inflammation and overall well-being. It is crucial to listen to the body, establish boundaries, and prioritize self-care. MET Naturals offers a range of CBD products and provides customer support through their website and Instagram.

IG: @mett.naturals 


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IG: @wellnessbycarli

Carli (00:01.251)
Welcome back to the Wellness Frequency Podcast. Hey Scott, how are you today?

Scott Schwab (00:06.343)
I'm great. How are you?

Carli (00:07.947)
I'm good, thank you. Thank you for being here. For those who are on the podcast and not on YouTube, I am with Scott Schwab, CEO and one of the founders of Met Naturals, is that correct title? Okay, beautiful. Scott and I got to talk one time on IG Live. I actually just watched it back and there's a lot of interference things. So I'm excited to have a fresh kind of conversation and a new platform.

Scott Schwab (00:21.218)
That's correct.

Carli (00:34.939)
And my intention for today really is to just share how gentle and natural CBD and hemp plant can be. And I think what I love and practice is interventions that can be multifaceted. So we're not taking one supplement for one thing at a time and that's how I view CBD is it can hit multiple areas that people struggle with. So we'll get there, but what I wanna start with is

I always find that usually our problem becomes our passion. So I don't know if I can recall our first conversation, I think that might be a little bit what happened with you, but I'd love to just start understanding how you initially got in contact or found hemp CBD, what that story was for you to become so connected with this idea, this plant, and then how it grew into Met Naturals.

Scott Schwab (01:29.246)
Yeah, great. Thanks Carly. And for me it came about in 2018 and I was suffering from some peripheral neuropathy. So intense that I wasn't able to sleep. And so there was multiple scenarios and it really goes back to when I was a teenager. I was paralyzed when I was 15 years old and so it was a very different time for me. It came on from a disease called Guillain-Barre.

Guillain-Barre strips your myelon sheath, your myelon sheath protects your nerves and when they're not there anymore your nerves start to die. And so from the chest down, I ultimately went through this process of not being able to have any fine motor movement or any receptors really signaling anything. And then it got compounded when you're kind of just sitting there in a wheelchair or not being mobile. And so I had a ton of atrophy. And so

Fast forward to all these years later, I'm having all of these like severe pain like needles in my legs and my feet and in my calves and I started looking at options or things that would help me with my pain and how I could manage my pain effectively and there was synthetics that were offered to me. There were, you know.

up to date and new types of studies that they were doing with like things that could be implanted into your skin and give you doses of medicine. That didn't work for me. I wanted to do more of a natural scenario. And when it was first suggested to me to try CBD, I was probably like most of our customers where they're like, well, isn't that weed? So at first, that's where I started.

Carli (03:13.267)

Scott Schwab (03:17.034)
because I had no idea that hemp and marijuana were different strains, different genetics, and they've been that way for over 2,000 years. And so that's where it all began for me, but it was just really trying to resolve pain and inflammation, and then also some of the sleeping scenarios that I had found myself in, just being a bad sleeper because I could never really fully rest.

and I'd have those restless leg syndromes, the tingling, the numbing, and so that's really what I kind of went into the CBD world trying to solve.

Carli (03:55.347)
So you found CBD and it started to resolve some of these symptoms. And so I guess this kind of segues perfectly into your company because how do you start finding a high integrity brand? You know, where did you look? I'm sure you're doing self education, but where did you start in your search for finding the right one for you?

Scott Schwab (04:18.098)
Yeah, and that's a really good question. Carly, there wasn't a lot of them, but there was a lot of brands. Like, there was thousands of brands. I could find them on Amazon, I could find them at stores, I could find them really in a lot of different places, even convenience stores, but the quality just wasn't there. And I didn't really even know what that meant initially because I was like, okay, CBD is CBD is CBD. And there's nothing further from the truth.

And so as I started to look at different brands, there was brands that I knew were going to be a little bit more publicly known or in front of consumers more often. And I'm like, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're a great quality product. And so then I started to kind of turn my attention to farming because when you farm things correctly, when you farm things in a better way and with more integrity,

you're going to have a better outcome or a better result. And a lot of people assign that to organic, a lot of people assign that to conventional ground. We ultimately decided to work with a farm that was regenerative, where we could control the inputs and the outputs. And because of that, we really started to build this process where people could trust the farm, trust the soil, and trust the process.

but really came because I had tried dozens of brands where even from bottle to bottle, same company, totally different product. And I'm like, what is the deal here? Like, why is a product so different from bottle to bottle or batch to batch? And so these were some of the problems that we ultimately went in to try to solve.

Carli (06:04.575)
I think that's exactly what I've found before I really started using y'all's products was you'd get one really good night of sleep and taking CBD and then the next night it didn't seem to work. And so people start to lose a little bit of faith in that supplement and then they kind of leave it and try the next thing. So how do you and Met Naturals, how do you ensure that supplement to supplement there's some consistency?

in that product so people don't feel let down by it, I guess.

Scott Schwab (06:36.042)
Yeah, perfect question and I really like that. For us it had to be about creating a process that was the same every single time. And so our process is we go out right now, we're going out to all of our fields and we're testing to the billionth particle what is in that soil. Now common things that we're hearing about all the time that are in our soils are heavy metals, residues, pesticides, any type of microbial damage. All of that is in the soil.

It was there from a previous crop, a previous year, from a neighbor who does some type of like a spray. Like pesticides are just not good for the body. And we're seeing a lot in autoimmune diseases. We're seeing it in sickness. We're seeing it in things where people aren't able to really express or describe what's going on inside their body. But it's all the garbage that we've been putting for years, either knowingly or unknowingly, right?

And we all want to trust the farm, we want to trust the produce that we grab from the store, but the reality is that's not always the case. And so where we started was the soil. Test it, make sure that there's no issues in the soil, and then we put the hemp plant that we've propagated our own seeds and that we've utilized year over year. Because our first year was in 2019, and we planted 500 acres. That is a lot of hemp.

And we didn't even realize that it was so much until we started growing it. But there was this rush to like get hemp growing and get it to providers and extractors. And so we were doing our part initially as a farm, but ultimately that first and second year where we grew way too much also helped us to understand how to grow, harvest and how to preserve the plant. Because one of the things that not a lot of people know is when you farm it,

You take that plant out of the ground and there's 14% moisture in that plant, still there. But if a lot of farms that we saw are putting them into like piles, what happens with wet plant material? Every single time, mold and mold spores and it's difficult if not possible to remediate out all of those mold spores. Well, here's what's best practice is.

Carli (08:47.228)

Scott Schwab (09:00.386)
Carly, a lot of extractors are like, well, let's just put ethanol, let's put butane, let's put hexane, let's put CO2 on the product and soak out those oils. It'll be fine, it's food grade. And we looked at this process like, how in the world is this even acceptable? Because not only are we introducing an environment where there's mold that's present, but then we're just dousing it with alcohols, petroleums, and like, what are we doing?

Carli (09:28.915)

Scott Schwab (09:29.018)
And so those were the first things that we had to change. And so we didn't launch our product until 2021, but it was because we wanted two years of really understanding the growing process, creating a supply chain that really worked for us as a farm and also the consumer so that when we came out with a product, it really matched from seed to shelf.

Carli (09:54.383)
This is so incredible because my first, I think episode two and three I did with a farmer who has a regenerative farm in Alvin, Texas. And the more I have these conversations, the more I just want to reiterate to listeners is that it's so important to have someone who's connected the farm to the product.

because you see all of these steps in between. You're seeing the planting, you're doing the testing, you care so much about the end product, you're following it the whole way. Nine times out of 10, the products that we use are sourced from, the company is sourcing, outsourcing, right, so there's a disconnect, an immediate disconnect, the source, the soil, the product. And soil health is everything, how you take care of it. And I think it means so much that y'all took that time

you care about mold because in this wellness industry, many people suffer from mold. That's a big problem. So if we've got this extraction, this pure potent formula, it's going to amplify everything that's in ingredients, right? The butane you said, all of those things, if you were to use those, it would all be amplified in this extract. So this is such a very, very essential piece in sourcing anything.

but specifically when we're talking about a hemp plant. So I just wanna say that's fantastic. And another question I thought of when you were talking is, is it super cost-inhibitive to have this testing? Because I'm thinking, oh my gosh, to have that clarity and transparency for everything I could consume, to have that level of testing would be so wonderful that people could pick something up and say, oh great, this is free of metals, this has been tested, this is free.

of glyphosate, this has been tested, this is free of mold. And has that been a hurdle for the company or is that something that people could implement more and they just don't?

Scott Schwab (11:53.578)
I think that people could put it more into their processes of growth and testing, harvest, testing and then production testing. So for us, we test at every stage, but that's a non-negotiable for us. Not every company does that. And ultimately it will come down to cost at some point. In other ways, there's a lot of people sometimes that will choose the route of this is just how we do it.

This is how it's always been done. We're not going to change. Whereas change gives us opportunity to grow, to learn, to advance. And ultimately, we went in with really kind of eyes wide open. Like, what can we learn from this plant? Because we had never grown it on the farm. We were more onions, asparagus, sweet potatoes. And they're just very different plants.

But one thing that we did know and what was at our roots is no pesticides. That's not a negotiable. No herbicides, no fungicides, no insecticides. And we were kind of lucky in that thought process because the hemp plant is an aromatic plant, meaning it's going to suck up everything in the soil and its environment. And so to your point, if you're just sourcing your hemp from anywhere and you don't know where that is connected to.

Don't be surprised when you find a whole lot of issues with the plant or you can't feel the product or the product's inconsistent because our endocannabinoid system is like a central mainframe for a computer. When we treat that ECS or the endocannabinoid system right, well then our plant-based adaptogens and our plant-based medicine can really get to work.

and really do some incredible things that synthetics just will never touch.

Carli (13:48.099)
I love that. And that's perfect kind of segue. Let's start from the beginning of just Hemp 101. Paint the difference. It's different than a marijuana plant. And then if you could just lead the listeners to understanding how it goes from a hemp plant and those components, EC endocannabinoids, what did you call them? ECS? Okay.

Scott Schwab (14:08.726)
Yeah, you're right. And a plan of anoid system.

Carli (14:11.495)
And so what's the piece of that plant that is therapeutic and kind of some 101 of the biochemical support that it can provide?

Scott Schwab (14:19.146)
Yeah, you're great. And ultimately hemp has been around for thousands of years. So people need to know that it has been a plant that has been used for creating rope, creating other building supplies. It's been used in textiles and it's been used medicinally. Now, when I say that word, a lot of times people like are thinking, I'm going to get high. That is not a medicinal scenario. Psychoactive, that's going to be your THC compound. And so...

If you're looking at the cannabis family in general, you're going to find certain compounds or cannabinoids that are found in both hemp and both marijuana. About 2,000 years ago, there was a very big split in the way that these products were cared for, these plants were grown, and ultimately they had a segue that took them in totally different directions. So.

When a lot of people are like, okay, well, tell me what THC is going to do versus CBD. CBD is going to surround the receptors and provide therapeutic relief to the receptors. And so when we think of communication within our body, everything relies on receptors. And so having CBD in your body on a daily basis is a very good thing because our body responds to all of the factors both internally and externally.

Carli (15:33.693)

Scott Schwab (15:45.634)
And what CBD does, and it's been studied and researched so often, is it's a regulator for the body. So if I have pain and inflammation, we can bring down that pain and inflammation and get the receptors to be able to communicate, hey, we're okay. We're not going to trigger the sympathetic system where it's fight or flight, because then we're bringing in tension, we're bringing in stress, we're raising our cortisol levels.

And ultimately, oftentimes we'll go through a day where really all we need is just a little bit of regulation, but we're searching for anything to bring down this and to do this and to help me to not have stress, not have anxiety. Well, naturally, CBD does all of those things. It's just the best regulator on the market. Now THC has a place in medicine.

And some people look at that and they're like, recreationally it's great. It brings me down. It has this kind of like sense of like lack of worry. I can just be really calm. All those things are really kind of hand in hand with CBD because THC and CBD, they act as like a yin and a yang because THC is great for blocking receptor signals that are sending pain receptors.

And so if we look at pain and inflammation from that perspective, THC is really good to have part of it. And then it also restores appetite. And so you think about things like people who are going through cancer treatments, they're going to need to have appetite because a lot of the chemotherapy and other things that are going in their body, oftentimes they stop eating, which is not what we want, right? But we also want to control the pain. And so...

Carli (17:34.936)
Mm. Right.

Scott Schwab (17:39.862)
When I look at the two factors where THC is really good at, it's blocking pain receptors just like an NSAID would be, and then it's also restoring appetite. But there's other functions that these two compounds work together harmoniously, and that's why when we talk full spectrum, we're talking about the whole plant, which would be a little bit trace amounts of THC.

Carli (18:01.803)

Scott Schwab (18:04.67)
and then more or a lot of CBD because again, we're wanting to regulate, we're wanting to control some of those up and downs throughout the day, whether that be in pain or in inflammation or with your sleep, circadian rhythm.

Carli (18:19.835)
I love that. And you used the word adaptogen earlier, which is one of my favorite words, because it's kind of like a thermostat. So instead of just telling the body what to do, it's reading the body's needs and it's super adaptable. And so those are so wonderful as we deal with so much stress in our lives, whether that's psychological stress or physiological stress. And so when it comes to THC, to be super clear, if you're using a full spectrum and it's got a micro dose of THC, is that an amount that...

could show up in a test if someone has a corporate job and they're worried about this. Is that something that could show up and then you say, it could, you know, avoid it if you're getting tested, even though it's not going to give you those mental effects that people think of with marijuana per se, but is that something to worry about with full spectrum?

Scott Schwab (19:05.782)
Yeah, people should be cautious. Anything that is ingested that has THC could show up in your test. Now, sublingually, it's going to be in and out of your system pretty quickly. Gummies, same type of a thing. But you never know in certain scenarios, certain jobs, when you're going to be tested. And so what we tell you is don't risk it. It's not worth your job. Take a broad spectrum that has zero THC that has the same...

effects minus the THC or if you went with a topical strategy you still can have THC and that's never going to end up in a test. So what I tell people is if you're taking anything ingestible and you're going to be test take a broad spectrum nothing with THC. If you were

Carli (19:53.923)
I think that's so important to clarify. Yeah, thank you. And so when you were mentioning the THC can help stimulate appetite, there's so many scenarios where that's beneficial. If it's microdosed, like in your full spectrum, is that, do you think it'll still have that mechanism for people that don't want an increased appetite, or is that more larger dosage you're speaking of?

Scott Schwab (20:15.382)
Yeah, a larger dose. Yeah, so one of our patients, or a patient that we have been working with, she had breast cancer, and ultimately she was put on by her doctor, her oncologist, a routine of about 125 milligrams of THC a day and 125 milligrams of CBD. That's a good amount. But ultimately what they were trying to do is control her pain.

They were trying to control the effects of the chemo, which was having her not eat. And she also had some of these sores on her body from the chemo treatments, sores in her mouth. And what she said is, I'm the only cancer patient in my cohort who didn't end up having peripheral neuropathy, which was really interesting to us. But again, if you think in terms of regulation and what the receptors are doing with the product.

I've noticed it myself with my peripheral neuropathy, which is largely gone. It's non-existent. And so when I look at that, it's a healthy balance of both. Isn't necessarily going to make you eat more than you normally eat. It's just restoring the healthy gut microbiome and making sure that your stomach is able to digest and able to process. And if in the event you're not eating, it will have your stomach restore that appetite.

Carli (21:38.235)
That's incredible. I actually had that question when you were first talking in the very beginning about the peripheral neuropathy and if this could be applied to people who have gone through chemo, because that's one of the most common side effects, is that tingling, that numbness, it's very uncomfortable. I have a client who said it just, it felt like she had a rubber band around the bottom of her knee and below that it was just numb. And so what a beautiful potential of restoration in the body. My next.

thought in question was I would love to hear about your extraction methods because I love hearing that you don't use these petrochemicals or you know, extreme harsh things that are going to wind up in the product. How do you all extract the good stuff, the cannabinoids from the hemp plant?

Scott Schwab (22:23.146)
Yeah, great question and thank you. Our goal has always been to let the plant do what the plant does best, which is it grows a beautiful profile. There's 113 different compounds. We just speak about two, largely CBD and THC, but there are so many others. So if we're going to preserve all of those compounds, we need to do it in an environment that is not going to harm the plant.

Carli (22:38.178)

Scott Schwab (22:48.158)
And so we raise temperature ever so slowly within what's called the hyperbaric chamber. Many people know that associated with diving or with some type of like it's used a lot now in health to kind of regulate and restore the body. Ultimately, it's a little bit of heat and negative pressure. It oxidizes the product and allows us to be able to pull from the plant all of the essential oils, which is unbelievable because normally you can't.

Carli (23:14.441)

Scott Schwab (23:17.87)
all of those compounds from the plant in an effective way because you're beating it up so bad with chemicals. What we have is this hyperbaric chamber that the plant, and if you think about it in terms of a person, think about sweating, right? The plant starts sweating out these essential oils, these terpenes, these flavonoids, and you're getting such a great profile from that plant. That's what we collect.

Carli (23:33.067)

Scott Schwab (23:44.414)
and that's what we put into all of our products. And so it's not uncommon to have this range of these compounds like CBG, CBC, CBT, CBDA, CBGA, like all of these other compounds that are now being researched individually to what they'll do. So cytokine help or respiratory help. CBG is one of the best compounds for helping people with respiratory colds, flus, any types of things like that.

Carli (24:05.278)

Scott Schwab (24:13.91)
We didn't know that two years ago. And so there's a lot of research that's coming and I am so excited about it because I personally believe that every compound in that plant can be associated with a person's needs and or deficiencies.

Carli (24:31.147)
2020 would have been a good year for us to know about CBG, huh? Geez, Louise, that's incredible. And you mentioned flavonoids coming out. And in my work, really the root cause of so many imbalances is inflammation, right? So basically, antioxidants are so supportive of protecting against oxidative damage in the body. So this is kind of a way to.

Scott Schwab (24:33.476)
I'm sorry.

Carli (24:57.939)
protect the body every day, right, with antioxidants, is that what we're saying? And, you know, seed oils are very, you know, demonized right now, but they can be, they're pervasive in the American diet. And so if someone is looking for preventative support, this is one great way to get, you know, to lower inflammation and really protect your cells. We also talked about it helping with...

Scott Schwab (25:02.19)
You got it.

Carli (25:24.575)
pain, right? That's actually how I started to love y'all's products was I had knee surgery and the CBD topical is one of the only things that gave me that aching relief and it's so effective and the other thing I love it for is when you just, I hold a lot of tension in my neck. So putting it on your neck before sleep if you have a tension headache or like if you have TMJ, upper neck before you go to bed is so effective and lovely.

So pain management, antioxidant support, right? Here's only two of them. What would you say the next commonly, you know, the next imbalance we could say or struggle or symptom that people use CBD for? Is it anxiety? Is it sleep? Because I see a lot of sleep issues. I would just love to hear from your perspective what people are really using this for.

Scott Schwab (26:13.784)

Scott Schwab (26:18.002)
Yeah, our number one product is sleep. And it's one in three of the outreaches that we get are about sleep from our customers, DMs, any type of emails. They are so concerned with their lack of sleep, their poor sleep, that they're just begging for some type of a solution. And we're so lucky because we have found something that is so, so effective. Like,

Carli (26:22.315)
There you go.

Scott Schwab (26:47.134)
We are testing it constantly with people in their aura rings, with their whoops, with their fit bits, like with their watches. I test my sleep every single night and it's just now a habit because I'm like, okay, do I need this every night? Do I not need this every night? And I found that having it stored in my system because the ECS or the endocannabinoid system also stores cannabinoids in our body.

but things like stress, depleted, things like anxiety, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, soreness, inflammation, really conflict with the ECS and its goals, which is holistic well-being. And so if I'm constantly having things in my body, whether it be through like a topical or through something that I'm ingesting, well, I'm gonna have a rich profile of cannabinoids to draw from. So my body can utilize those.

But sleep is one of the most pivotal and essential things that people are not getting. And so cool thing is, is about two years ago, there's a lot of studies that started to emerge about CBD and whether it was helping with sleep. So CBD, the compound itself, again, think about it from a regulator perspective. It's really per...

you for sleep but it's not going to put you to sleep and it's not also going to keep you to sleep. It will just get you in a relaxed state. However, the studies that had started coming out at that time were about a compound called CBN and CBN is most associated with regulating the circadian rhythm. So having you go through each of the stages of sleep.

you need to go through those sleep stages to actually have effective sleep because you could be asleep and just be in light sleep mode the whole night and you're not doing anything like beneficial for yourself. It's pivotal that you have depth of sleep and REM sleep. And so the great thing about this Compound CBN is it's going to help you both relax your body and that's a lot of your CBD.

Scott Schwab (28:59.286)
but the CBN is going to take you through those sleep stages or those sleep cycles to where you're waking up with more depths of sleep, more REM sleep, and there's a balance in your profile. And we just then enhance that with a little bit of chamomile, a little bit of lavender. So again, we want you totally relaxed, but it wouldn't go without saying Carly that somebody needs to be able to manage their, what they can manage well.

meaning I'm not going to have a bunch of screen time right before bed. I'm not going to be like taking a lot of caffeine or things that are going to keep me up in the evening. So there are strategies that people can do. We're just going to be able to help take them the rest of the way and give them guaranteed great sleep.

Carli (29:46.995)
That's great. So it's, we're not talking about something that's going to knock you out. It's working with the body. So let's keep working with the body. And I think to your point, unless you're tracking your sleep, which not everybody has to do, but sometimes a lot of people can just not ever get in that deep sleep. So they're like, I felt like I slept. Why do I not feel recovered? And that's exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes

you may be sleeping, but you're staying in that light sleep and a lot of that recovery happens in the deep sleep. And what I tell my clients is that's the only time our glymphatic system is working, which means the drainage of your brain. So if you want to be detoxing appropriately and wake up with your neurochemicals balanced and your hormones balanced, and I say hormone, because if you're not getting that deep sleep, you're gonna produce less leptin, which is that hormone that helps you feel satiated and more.

ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes you hungry. So you're gonna be hungrier, you're gonna be moody, you might be achy, and it all can be truly because you're not fully detoxing and getting into that recovery. So it sounds like the CBN is really gentle and works with that whole cycle, yet you're not gonna probably wake up and get that groggy because we're not doing some valerian root, which I like valerian root, but some of these herbs can be very, can make you groggy. Is that correct?

Scott Schwab (31:00.042)
Yeah. Yeah, you're right on. 100%.

Carli (31:04.095)
That's awesome. And it just fits in perfectly with everything else. Cause like we can't just treat our bodies like a trash can, watch Netflix until 11 and pretend like we're gonna have this perfect sleep. I'm a huge proponent of circadian health and those blue lights tell your body, the blue lights coming off the screen tell your body, it's 12 o'clock, you should be up, you should be productive, right? And it's actually gonna confuse the melatonin production. And there's receptors all over our skin. So I even know someone who...

If she does decide to watch TV and she's watching through red lens glasses, she covers all of her body and hides under a blanket. Even though that sounds extreme, we have receptors all over our skin. So it's not just in our eyes. And so these are all just things to be aware of. Okay, so that was sleep. The last thing I wanna talk about is anxiety. This is something that, well, we could say so many things. We're living in a little bit of a tough world right now to say lightly. And...

If you've got kids, which we know Scott has a tribe of five children, you know, you just, if you take a moment as a parent, you realize there's a lot of giving and we have to support our bodies and over giving can kind of feel us, have us feeling depleted. And then we add in work and financial stress. And really even the wellness world can create anxiety because there's so much we should be doing and everyone kind of just feels less than. And so,

Scott Schwab (32:05.296)

Carli (32:29.735)
If someone out there is struggling with anxiety, how could this really help them? How could CBD or these other cannabinoids and which complex that y'all offer do you see being a really nice kind of gateway, something to start with, if people don't really understand where they should start?

Scott Schwab (32:47.658)
Yeah, very good question. And I would say even before we talk about CBD, let's talk about getting enough water each day and staying hydrated, right? That is really important, but it's also important to get out and get a little bit of movement for your body. Get a little bit of sunlight. Like, those are three things that I would tell people every day. If you can just get into the habit of a little bit of a walk, a little bit of hydration, little bit of sunlight,

that's gonna do so much for your body. And so I would even say, let's start there. But to your point, we do live in a world that's a little bit chaotic, a little bit challenging at times. And so what CBD does for those daily kind of ups and down is holistically balance you out. And so if in the event that I'm having a stressful situation and I can just kind of feel it coming on my neck, I can feel it like tensing up.

your best bet is to do something like one of the gummies or one of the tinctures. Reason being is because they're going to enter the mucus membrane, particularly if you're taking it sublingually. One of the new strategies we're telling customers is chew your gummy, but then put it under your tongue and just hold it there for 30 seconds. Same thing with the drops. Put it under your tongue, let that mucus membrane take it, and put it into your body.

Within 15 to 30 minutes, you will start feeling it come down. We're big fans of not taking too much. And so don't go and take just drop after drop after drop. Start with something like.25,.5, and wait. Give yourself a little bit of a time to be able to say, is this going to be the right amount that I need? Because it's not gonna harm you, it's not gonna put you into that psychoactive high, but you don't need to overdo it.

like less is more here. Let your body do the work and just let the CBD enhance that or regulate that. The other thing that I would tell you and one of my favorite products outside of the recovery cream is the daily gels. And why they're so good is because they start working through your digestive tract as they're getting into your stomach lining. And so if you think anti-inflammatory, which is one of the number one things that CBD does, it's going to help that

Scott Schwab (35:10.806)
gut microbiome. It's going to help with the inflammatory properties or markers that are inside of your stomach. And so when I think about taking a daily gel, I'm thinking about regulating my entire day. But I'm also getting the benefits of the anti-inflammatory. So whatever I ate that wasn't complimentary to me, whatever I was doing that is, you know, inflaming my gut, I can immediately start receiving that benefit.

plus just being calm as a cucumber all day long, as opposed to having to dose it with gummies and with the tinctures. And some people do that very well. They just take it this time and that's all they do. My message to anybody that would be listening is find your schedule. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to just take a gel cap and then just wait the day and watch how your day works. Because...

We'll even have some people that will take a daily gel cap. And then when kids come home, and there's that rush of homework, rush of snacks, rush of, I gotta take kids everywhere, that's when they'll do like a dose of the tincture or a gummy. And so you've gotta know your body. For me though, I just take one of our CBG immunity gummies each morning, and then I take a daily gel cap. And that's what.

really balances out my day, but it took some time to find out what was best for me.

Carli (36:41.091)
I love that. That was perfect because it goes into so much what I believe. The first thing you said is wellness foundations. Drink your water. Breathe deeply. Most of us are just breathing in our chest, not in our belly. Get in the sun. The sun is actually made to heal us even though a lot of people are scared of it. We need the sun. We would all living things would die without it. Move your body, right? Always foundations first. I will die on that hill. I'll probably say it in every podcast episode. And then if you need support,

This is a wonderful, it took another lens of, okay, if there's support you need, first check in with yourself. When do you need it? How do you need it? What is it serving? How is it gonna fit in your schedule? This isn't just like, take this, this is great for everyone. Everything is bio individual. So it almost sounds like, and tell me if I'm wrong, is this daily gel, is it a little bit of a time release concept where it's kind of like longterm? Is that correct? Okay, cool.

Scott Schwab (37:35.53)
You got it. Very well said.

Carli (37:37.587)
That sounds nice. So it kind of stabilizes. And then if we need an intense dose, I have to tell a quick funny story. I didn't have the gel on hand, so I had the quick dose. And my sister-in-law and I went to the zoo, and our kids stressed us out, and we thought we lost them. Don't let me watch your children. And we got home, and our nerves were just fried. And Sarah's like, I need something. And I was like, I know, what herbs do I have? And I was like CBD. And so,

Scott Schwab (37:54.542)
I'm sorry.

Carli (38:07.207)
Honestly, we super dosed it because we were just like, and I know it's natural, I'm like, this stuff's really gentle. So we overdosed and then we were just kind of like, well, this is a lot. So it's very powerful is what I'm trying to say. It did numb us out, but then we were feeling a little loopy. So start small, build. But that stuff works when you need it and you lose your children at the zoo. Don't tell our moms.

Scott Schwab (38:28.759)

Scott Schwab (38:35.583)
I don't know.

Carli (38:36.8)
We were, they were hiding and we were pretending like we didn't see them. And then all of a sudden they got really good at hiding and they slipped away and we were, it was the longest two minutes of our entire lives. So anyway, this was wonderful. It's a really beautiful refresher of how working with the body, something like an adaptogen that's gentle can work in a lot of different ways.

These are some of the most common things people deal with, right? Inflammation of the gut, and what I wanted to say when you were speaking about that is if we can lower the inflammation in the gut, so many benefits from that are going to come. You're going to absorb more of your nutrients, right? Our brain chemicals are made in our gut, so it's going to help with the anxiety. You talked about that's like one mechanism. It's going to, you know, the microbiome is our entire immune system, so you mentioned an immunity gel, right? This is...

And I don't use this too many times, but it's like a Swiss army effect, where, Swiss army knife, right? Where there's all these one thing, so many different uses, sleep, anxiety, inflammation. If we had to pick three top things that people suffer with, that's a lot. And so again, what Scott said, do your foundations, take care of yourself, but if you're looking for something supplemental, what a beautiful, efficient, carefully,

taken care of company to support. And so I'm so grateful that I found you and I can't even honestly remember how, but I care so much about sourcing that this company really, really speaks to me, the transparency. You can go on your website and look at the analysis reports of what's tested in every what, like square foot of your farm. Is that how it is? There is, yes. And these people are so kind and

Scott Schwab (40:16.49)
Yeah, you got it.

Carli (40:21.631)
I'll never forget the first time we tried to connect, you were on the tractor. So there's such a connection here. And thank you for spreading this message. I wanted to ask one more question before we finished. You were paralyzed. I mean, what was your timeline like in recovery when you found these kinds of products? What did that look like for you? And are you good now?

Scott Schwab (40:44.97)
Yeah, you bring up a good question. And one of the great blessings that I consider in my life is my dad's a physical therapist. And so part of getting me back on my feet and back moving was always being moved. He would also use ultrasound and kind of wake up those nerves. But your nerves will grow back at about an inch a month. And so when my nerves grew back,

It was great because I had that function, but it wasn't always like controlled. Like the body just really does an amazing way of protecting us, giving us the nutrients and for the most part, helping us to do the functions we need to do. Well, my body had to relearn those. And so there was aspects that I was just like clumsy, I would fall. And a lot of it was just building up that strength again and taking care of that atrophy because

I became really overweight and it was just something that naturally sitting around all the time and not moving my body was one of the effects. And I didn't know it then, Carly, but there was a lot of emotional aspects that I didn't deal with as a teenager and I'm dealing with now. But for me, I go to the gym every day. That's my therapy. I love to lift. I love to run. I love to do things. But then I also love to get out. Like...

challenge myself a couple years ago me and my friends we climbed the Grand Tetons and no way it is so awesome you love it

Carli (42:16.295)
I'm going, I'm going next month! Oh, that's amazing. Yay, how beautiful is that? Is that your reminder of-

Scott Schwab (42:25.674)
Yeah, so all of us timed, we summited the Grand Teton Peak, and it was like one of the greatest moments of my life. It was so challenging, but at the same time so rewarding. These same friends, we did the Grand Canyon, and we're doing things that are like both bringing us together, and they've known me since that time, but it's really healing as well to get out, to be moving, and so I'm a big proponent.

Carli (42:33.6)

Scott Schwab (42:53.17)
of moving my body and also watching my nutrition more closely. And so I would tell you there's been a lot of self-healing. There's been professional healing from the services that I reach out to, whether it be through therapy, whether it be through body movement. Those are the things that I'm relying on. And then it's also some of the foundational principles that you talked about. I haven't gotten into breath work, but I'm very interested in doing it.

But ultimately, it's just calming my body each day and getting it prepared to be successful because I believe that bodies are most in tuned when they're functional. And so it's just trying to get that to where I'm at my top of my game or my top of my functionality and really ultimately just saying no to things that I know aren't good for me. And I think I've built up enough maturity at this point or discipline where I can say.

probably not the best thing for me. I'll pass.

Carli (43:53.491)
Boundaries, that's huge. And even I think what you're talking about really is so many of us live here in our head and if we can get into our body, which can look like climbing a mountain, it can look like breath work. However we're coming into our body, it empowers us, it reminds us we can do hard things. And really working with your body, most of the communication goes from body to brain. We think it's like, oh, we start here and we're gonna tell our body to do this, we're gonna get stronger by

committing to this workout regi- It's actually, you start with your body and the communication goes here. So we have to feel into what feels right and then take steps forward towards achieving that goal. But challenging the body is a huge part of healing and that can look very different. For some people, it looks like challenging yourself to rest more. That can be just as difficult as challenging yourself to build muscle. But starting with the body, I think that's a beautiful-

beautiful reminder and a beautiful place to end. Scott, you are such a wealth of information and such a kind person. You're so easy to talk to. I would love to share where people can find you. And for customers, if this is something they're curious about, if it feels aligned for them, is your website self-explanatory? Do you have customer service to help figure out what people need? How does that look and where can people find you?

Scott Schwab (45:10.698)
Yeah, thank you so much. So you can find us at MET Naturals, M-E-T-T Naturals dot com. And one of the greatest things of our day is when we get to DM people. And so that's probably the quickest way to go back and forth. If you want to email us, it's help, H-E-L-P at MET, M-E-T-T dot com. And so you can reach out to us. We do have a full team of customer service support.

And so if there's anything that you have questions about, there is a lot of detail on the website. Sometimes people will go to the website and say, okay, I've got the information, I wanna take it, now where do I begin? I tell people start with recovery creams because a lot of us have tension and pain on our body from time to time or consistently. Either way, you're going to solve that problem with our recovery cream.

And then my next go-to is the daily gels, just because like what you've been saying is so essential for people to understand. Everything is starting in your gut, it's your second brain, and so I would go with the daily gels or the sleep gels, kind of the same thing, but that timed release. So if you have problems with sleep, maybe start with the sleep gel, because they're going to have those same anti-inflammatory properties, or help with the anti-inflammatory markers in bringing those down, so.

That's where I would start.

Carli (46:36.467)
That's amazing. I am gonna link all of this in the show notes so people can quick reference it. And when you said DM, you mean on Instagram to find you on Instagram. And okay, I was like, you know, I'm getting older and just making sure I'm up with the times over here. So I will link your Instagram handle and hopefully people reach out and feel comfortable getting involved if this is support, like I said, that feels aligned. Thank you for spending time today with me and my audience and away from your.

Scott Schwab (46:42.978)

Scott Schwab (46:48.105)

Carli (47:03.487)
large amazing family. It was so great to connect and thank you for being here.

Scott Schwab (47:08.566)
Hey, thank you so much. Appreciate it.