The Wellness Frequency

Ep. 7 Fertility Focus: Balancing Body and Spirit with Dr. Jordan Etters

Carli Kilgore Season 1 Episode 7

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, discusses her journey into natural healing and the practice of acupuncture. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body in order to achieve balance and well-being. Dr. Etters-Boyd also explains how acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body to elicit a systemic response and restore balance. She highlights the role of fear and stress in fertility issues and the benefits of acupuncture and Reiki in supporting reproductive health. Overall, she emphasizes the holistic approach of Chinese medicine and the power of intention and energy in healing. Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd discusses the power of intention and energy in healing practices like Reiki. She emphasizes the importance of addressing fears and reducing endocrine disruptors for fertility. Dr. Jordan also highlights the significance of connecting with nature and grounding oneself to maintain overall well-being. She shares her experience as a doula and the balance she has found between her acupuncture practice and supporting families during childbirth.


Introduction and Background

Finding Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

The Holistic Approach of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Supporting Reproductive Health with Acupuncture and Reiki

Understanding Reiki and Energy Work

Harnessing the Power of Intention and Energy

Addressing Fears and Reducing Endocrine Disruptors for Fertility

The Importance of Connecting with Nature and Grounding

Supporting Families as a Doula and Balancing Acupuncture Practice

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Website: I have a point for that

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Carli (00:00.676)
Okay, here we are. Hi, Dr. Jordan. How are you today?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (00:05.187)
Good Carly, how are you?

Carli (00:07.172)
I'm good. I'm so glad you're here. For everyone listening, today I have someone very special. This is Dr. Jordan Edders, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. I'm going to read your bio. You are a board certified acupuncturist, herbalist, and certified Reiki master. Dr. Edders has a passion to connect with others and increase their energetic vibration, I just love your bio, to guide them towards their true self.

Her goal is to assist clients in reaching inner peace, harmony, and balance in their daily lives. Dr. Edders loves performing soul healing and energy work for individuals who suffer from emotional and spiritual imbalances, which can manifest into common ailments and diseases. She views each person as a canvas that deserves individual attention and specialized treatment. She's so beautiful. And then the latest and the greatest, you are now a certified doula, which I can't wait to talk about.

who specializes in reproductive health specifically for couples desiring to have a baby, either naturally or through reproductive assistance. Dr. Etters serves patients who seek assistance in addressing a wide range of conditions in women's health, womb care, menstrual issues, pregnancy, postpartum, chronic pain, stress reduction, emotional and spiritual health, and overall well -being. my gosh, my woman.

That is so beautiful and I'm sure everyone can understand why I'm so excited to talk to you. And before I let you talk, the last thing I want to say is I always like to paint a picture of how I'm connected with someone. And I worked with you when I was trying to get pregnant with Hadley Bear, my second baby, because I was struggling. So I always loved chatting with you. You always made me feel really calm. But you know, we never did energy work. So I want to talk about that today.

But anyway, so much to talk about. I'd love for you to start by sharing how you found this work, because I find that we all have some sort of calling we either find through our own frustrations with our own health or trying to help family. There's something that draws us to this work, because not a lot of us grow up, and I might be wrong, I don't want to take words from you, not a lot of us grow up with natural healing in the family, right? So I would love to hear how you found.

Carli (02:25.444)
acupuncture and kind of the things that you now practice.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (02:29.827)
Well, thank you, Carly. Wonderful introduction. It was a roundabout way that I found acupuncture because I was studying biology. My degree is in biology and minor in chemistry. And when you're going into those types of sciences, you're pretty much going to Western medicine. And that was my way. I was looking.

Carli (02:34.18)

Carli (02:54.564)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (02:57.443)
into either becoming a medical doctor or a dentist. That's where I was at that point. And I had graduated and I was looking at taking, you know, I was looking at taking MCAT and then I was studying for the DAT because I was still in between. I was like, what I want to do? And I got to this point and I was like, you know what? I need to just take a moment. Let me, you know, let me just like not go.

straight into one of these schools yet, once I graduate and just see what the world looks like for a year. You know, and because, and so because, you know, I was like, well, let me use my degree in biology. I worked as like, like, basically I assisted at Prairie View A that's where I graduated from, but I assisted in the laboratory for biology labs and microbiology labs, and I taught the lab courses.

Carli (03:35.652)
Smart, not a lot of people do that.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (03:56.963)
because I was also taking some MBA classes at that time. I was just kind of like, you know, in this transitional phase, just really trying to figure it out because I knew that what I wanted to do in, you know, actually becoming like a medical doctor, I knew that I wasn't going to fully be able to do it how I wanted to do it because of how the, because of the things that I had actually gone through.

Carli (04:20.164)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (04:26.275)
with my health while I was in college. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease at that time. And I was taking medications. There was the talk of needing to get surgery to get my thyroid removed, all kinds of things. And the discussion was never, whenever I would ask, so what are things that I should be doing on my own? How should I eat?

Carli (04:30.884)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (04:54.883)
you know, the aftercare, you know, the things like, how do I like get out of this? Like, you know, you're giving me this medication, but what else can I do? So it's like, well, you don't have to do anything else. Just take the medicine. And it's like, well, so diet doesn't affect this. And it's like, no, there's nothing you can do with diet. And it's like, no. But you didn't ask me what I was, you know, you haven't asked me my habits. You haven't asked me anything. You just said eat normal. But what is normal?

Carli (04:58.532)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (05:02.404)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (05:12.036)
Hmm. Hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (05:24.195)
And, you know, thank God for my parents because they were the ones helping me through that at the time because of course I'm on their insurance. They're going to those initial appointments when everything was really happening to me and really being there, like asking those questions to those doctors and like really like standing in for me when I didn't, I couldn't like be there for, I couldn't do that for myself at that time.

Carli (05:49.796)


Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (05:53.443)
I was only 20. So, you know, I don't know how to ask these questions, you know, how to get informed consent, you know what I mean? Like how to like really, yeah. Yeah, so that's how, that's why I say I got in there with an around about way. And so I realized I was like, well, I'm not like the system that I'm, that I'm being treated in.

Carli (06:00.932)
my gosh, Hindsides 2020 was that when we were babies going through this kind of stuff. Yep. Yep. Okay. So they were there for you.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (06:21.635)
is not really helping me outside of the pharmaceutical part. And so I started looking, I was like, well, started looking at other things, alternative, we call alternative things to take care of ourselves. And I was like, okay, so there is something I can do. I can do autoimmune paleo. I can take out inflammatory foods that are affecting me. And so with that, I'm starting to get into like,

more natural medicine things. And so my mom was already into natural medicine things overall, but you know, she still used Western medicine when needed, but she's not a big let's go. Like, of course, when I was going through so much as a child, like, you know, pneumonia, all kinds of different things, you know, we did have to go to the doctor a lot, but you know, as I kind of aged out of those different like respiratory, upper respiratory things,

Carli (06:53.892)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (07:16.963)
you know, we were using, you know, different things from like the health food store. Things like, okay, let's try this first before we go to the doctor type thing. And I kind of tapped back into that. And I was like, you know, I can, I want to actually help people by using natural medicine. So then I started looking, I was like, what professions can I, you know, you, how can I do this? You know, how can I do this on a larger scale, like a professional scale? So then Google.

Carli (07:43.812)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (07:45.731)
you know, so you start looking, then acupuncture comes up, naturopathy, chiropractic, you know, all these things. And I was like, acupuncture sounds really interesting. And so at that point, I am a year post -graduation. I've actually decided to leave Prairie View because I don't want to do the MBA program anymore. I don't, like I'm done.

Carli (07:47.812)
Thank goodness.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (08:14.979)
You know, I already have my degree, you know, let me just move on. I want to work in the lab. Like, let me, while I'm, you know, I want to work in the lab while I'm figuring out, you know, what else I need to be doing. So I worked in a chemical lab, you know, testing products and things that needed to go out for the automotive industry.

these products were, you know, we're testing like some heavy duty stuff, you know, like, antifreeze, you know, like lean glycol, like, you know, and it's like, you know, I'm really in some, with some like really nasty gnarly chemicals. And, you know, I knew that I was that I knew that was like a temporary, you know, that was just my transition part. I was like, you know, this is temporary. I just need to be able to support myself while I figure out what it is that I need that I really want to do.

Carli (08:44.708)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (09:09.699)
So then, of course, acupuncture school in Houston comes up. The American College of Acupuncture in Chinese medicine, they come up, ACAOM. I go visit. I'm like, OK, I can do this. So I enroll. What was that? January 2015, that started. So I was like, yeah, this is it. And that's how I got into it, in a roundabout way.

Carli (09:27.908)

Carli (09:34.88)
I love it because you took your time. You got the degree and I think that's what a lot of people, myself included, didn't really do. It's just, you're like, okay, go, go, go. We can't, God forbid we miss a year. What would that look like on a resume? So you kind of went inwards and you found acupuncture. So you went to acupuncture school and I would love for you to just paint a picture of what is acupuncture because until you do it and understand it,

I think it seems, I don't think it's well understood how it works. So could you for the layman, someone maybe who hasn't had a session, just explain what the work is that you're doing and how it is supporting the body?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (10:18.915)
So we tend to focus always on the physical side of things, right? The things that we can really see. Acupuncture does that. But there's also another layer where it helps with the energetic body, the things that make everything in your body work. We're electromagnetic beings. We all are like putting off some kind of like,

energetic frequency, right? So there's a magnetism for each one of us. Some people have their, their energy is more concentrated and some people have energy that is way, they have a big aura, right? And so, because we have to start recognizing the different layers of our body, not just the physical body. And so that's where acupuncture and, you know, Chinese medicine comes in and it looks at

not only the physical, but the spiritual, the energetic, the emotional side, the soul level. What is happening? What is this person experiencing overall? Like how are they doing in the environment that they're in on every level? We tend on the Western medicine side, it tends to be the main focus is let's either suppress or make

this particular part, organ or particular function of your body of work, where we're looking at how can we balance this body out? How can we help this person become more balanced? How can we help them find their center versus either, you know, either suppress or accelerate? We're looking to, so what happens is when we look at the body,

we're looking at it in multiple factors. So of course, I'm going to look at you from a medical standpoint always. So I'm going to use tools, our tools, right? So I'm gonna check your pulse, of course, like everybody understands that, right? But when I'm checking the pulse, I'm also checking like, what does the pulse actually feel like? What is the tone of the blood vessel? Is it too squishy? Is it too tight? Is it too...

Carli (12:40.868)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (12:45.987)
deep and so those are giving me clues on other factors going on in the body because if the blood in the life force which is you know the life force that pushes your blood that makes your blood move around your body which we call chi if that's not strong enough then i'm going to be able to feel that in your pulse so i can look at your tongue as well as another diagnostic tool because your tongue is going to be the innermost outer

Carli (13:04.58)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (13:15.587)
part of your body. We don't necessarily call, of course, we don't really call the tongue an organ, but it is. And so it has a large blood source, of course, it's deeply connected to all of your internal organs. So you can see things manifest on your tongue that are happening in your body.

Carli (13:24.356)

Carli (13:38.212)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (13:42.915)
So we're looking at that. We're looking at the patterns, the shapes. Do you have a coating? Is it dry? Is it moist? What's happening? Is it red? Do you have dark purple marks? You know, things like that. And so each one of those things is going to tell me that, give me another hint or a clue that there may be some things that we need to work on. Like does this person have more inflammation in their body? Or do they have...

issues with their blood circulation, you know, what's happening. And so then once we look at all these factors, we ask a lot of questions. We ask not only like physical things like, you know, how's your digestion? How are your bowel movements? How's urination? You know, we really go deep, like how's your menstrual cycle? You know, how, and even for on the male side, like, are you having any issues, seminal issues, you know, things like that, libido issues.

So we're asking all these questions because that's helping us form a profile. So once we're able to form that, or that, I guess I call it like a, for me in my head, I call it like a diagnostic profile, or a pattern, right? So this is the pattern that your body follows. This is how your body's been responding to the environment and the conditions that you've been putting it through. And so when I'm looking at it, I say, well, how do, if something is happening and they're complaining that, you know,

Carli (14:51.812)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (15:08.835)
have recurrent headaches or I have recurrent menstrual issues then I'm thinking okay something's out of balance clearly so how do we fix it so I'm looking at the channels on the body because in acupuncture we have multiple channels that align with your organs and you have points that go on those channels so these are all like points or lines of energy in your body if that makes sense.

Carli (15:36.324)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (15:38.339)
So once you put an acupuncture needle into that specific point, it elicits a response. So not only does it communicate with your nervous system, it starts to do a whole systemic. So your nervous system gets triggered, your cardiovascular system, all kinds of cellular responses occur once an acupuncture needle is put in. And we're using specific points.

to help balance what we're seeing is out. So we won't always put, so if somebody says, my head hurts here, I'm not going to put a point right here. I might actually put a point on that person's foot because that channel, that influence, that where the action is happening basically actually belongs to that area of your body versus here. So we're actually wanting to move that out versus like,

sin concentrated energy here.

Carli (16:40.996)
Which I love because that's a perfect explanation of how the body works. It's like we, your head hurts, right? You go to the doctor and they're focusing right there instead of what you said earlier, which just gave me goosebumps, which is how I wish all healthcare approached it. It's physical body, mind, energetic body, spiritual body. It is the whole person because we are so dynamic, so multifaceted. So that's a perfect little kind of,

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (17:05.955)

Carli (17:10.692)
example of, no, we're going to work with your foot point because that channel is going to… I mean, it's what you study and I'm sure it's intricate and complicated, but that's such a beautiful explanation of how synergistic the body is and how it's just not straightforward.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (17:22.851)
The body is trapped in. We tend to compartmentalize everything in our body, but everything is connected. I feel like we actually make it too hard. We don't have to do it up. It's fine to understand each individual part, but then you also have to understand how this part works with this part and how if you're experiencing pain here,

Carli (17:31.844)

Carli (17:38.308)
Totally. Totally.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (17:53.251)
why we need to look at some root causes or we need to go deeper and we need to understand the underlying cause because this is just the manifestation. This is not where it started. So some people, you know, they're always complaining of like shoulder pain or something like that. And so you're thinking, okay, well, it's got to be something in the shoulder. It could be, but they could go get a scan today and it's nothing is showing up.

But it's because, you know, it could be some form of inflammation and it's not necessarily going to show up like on a scan or anything. But then we're saying, okay, well, why is everybody, you know, responding this way? So then we're looking at multiple factors like what are they eating? What are they putting in? What are they putting on emotional level? How are they feeling all the time? Do they feel like the world is on their shoulders all the time? You know, type, you know, the, are you overworked?

Carli (18:46.116)
perfect example.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (18:47.619)
You know, like, that's why a lot of people actually have shoulder and neck issues because they're always holding on to every single thing. And so that's where we come in and we're seeing that. And so we also talk to our patients about that. And so, you know, if I see that a patient needs further care, as in like therapy and things to deal with things, and I'm going to actually refer them out. But of course, acupressure can...

balance out those products of stress that they are going through.

Carli (19:22.18)
Mm -hmm. And it can kind of feel like therapy sometimes because you're trying to understand what's going on. I remember we would have deep conversations. I mean, we would get so weird. I was like, that's why I love you. We get to talk about all these things. I feel safe. I felt safe. I was seeing you during COVID kind of where everyone, it was scary to say what you thought, what you really thought. And I just got to come in and be like, these are my people. And...

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (19:26.787)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (19:32.739)
This is it.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (19:40.771)

Yeah, man!

Carli (19:49.636)
Yeah, and I think one of my things that I was struggling with that I got to talk to you about was, you know, letting go, control. Because when you are trying to get pregnant, you try to be so specific about timing and tracking. And I remember at one point you were like, I want you to stop tracking, stop tracking ovulation. I was like, I'm sorry, what? I need to know my numbers. Like this is a lesson in letting go.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (20:06.339)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (20:14.659)
Just do it. There you go.

Carli (20:19.62)
And hand to God, I saw my acupuncture, no, sorry, you wrote my acupuncture, my intuitive. And it was concurrent. I was working with you, seeing the intuitive, and she's like, there's nothing wrong with your body. This is a lesson in letting go and surrender, which is something I'm always working on. It's so difficult. And it was, I just quickly made a mental decision. I'm done.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (20:40.387)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (20:46.852)
and you told me to stop tracking, so there was my confirmation, right? And within a month I got pregnant.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (20:52.355)
because you just let it go.

Carli (20:54.148)
You just let it go. And it's so wild. We want to get so drilled down to specifics of what to do and what's wrong and what's going on in my hormones. I had hormonal stuff. I had PCOS. I had any regular cycle. I had stuff that was going on, but there wasn't anything obvious. For me, it was energetic and almost spiritual.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (21:13.155)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (21:14.852)
And so that's why traditional Chinese medicine is so beautiful. It really, you know, I do functional nutrition. To me, it covers so many other gaps that my kind of work doesn't necessarily touch on. I think it's so synergistic and it really helps. So on the topic of fertility, acupuncture is very well known for helping people get pregnant. What in the lens of fertility do you think is so successful with acupuncture? Why do you think it helps people?

What specifically do you target if someone is coming in? Is it all the things you just said where you just go for root cause and you're trying to balance and energize? Or is there something else going on with fertility? I would love, I guess, in general, you to just speak on that topic because it's really growing to be more of a problem every day.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (22:03.579)
There's a few factors. So the number one, I would say before I go into anything like, you know, we know about the, all of the like chemicals and things that are affecting us, radiation, electromagnetic frequencies, you know, all these different environmental things that pollution, you know, all the pollutions, right? We know that that is a major cause of infertility.

But the number one thing that I see is in almost everyone that I work with is fear. You're scared to fail. Scared that it's not gonna work, scared that it's never gonna happen. Or even also scared that when you do get pregnant, what am I gonna do? Am I gonna be okay?

Carli (22:38.852)

Carli (22:55.216)
my gosh. I have to stop you because I forgot about this. I was scared because I had such a hard time with my haze, my first one. my gosh, I completely forgot I'm having such a moment. That's exactly, that was a huge part of my, that was too. Yep, that was it. And I had a really hard postpartum. I knew I wanted a second child, but I was scared it would be so hard to get. I had to shut down my business. I physically kind of shut down after.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (23:07.875)

Carli (23:21.668)
My first one. my gosh. Okay, continue. I'm just having this moment.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (23:24.031)
Yes, and so, so many women go through that because either you, no matter if you own your own business or if you have, you know, a very successful career or whatever, or even if you are a homemaker, that change, that shift that, you know, either you're bringing on another child or you're, you know, looking to have your first child.

it's going to change something. And so that's the thing. You're like, you don't know which way it's going to go. And so that's in the back of your head already. Then you're thinking, well, it might be hard to become pregnant because you're seeing people around you having issues. You're seeing it on social media, especially once you become in alignment with one another.

to have a child, it's like the algorithm of the whole matrix that we're in just starts throwing these things at you and it's like you see it on TV and then you start seeing it on your phone and then you'll be driving down the street and you'll see a billboard that says, you know, infertility clinic and all this stuff and you're like, my God.

Carli (24:34.66)

Carli (24:42.884)
My reality is shifting.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (24:45.955)
or you'll see a pregnant woman on a billboard and it's like something about some hospital where you can give birth at. You start seeing all this stuff and so then you're kind of like, you get bombarded, then you have your family asking, you have friends asking, random people ask you, are you gonna have kids? And so, yeah, and so you...

Carli (24:50.244)
Thank you.

Carli (25:04.772)
Mmm, mmm, love that.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (25:11.491)
You know, it's a mental thing and you have to be able to remain grounded because, you know, with all modern world, modern technology, we have access to so much at once. And so that is why I feel like it can be overwhelming to start the process, to think about the process, because it's like, then there's another factor. Like, am I going to do it right?

Carli (25:17.38)
Mm -hmm. my gosh.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (25:40.739)
Like, am I gonna? And then also, there's another fear of like, can my body do this? And I make it through. What's gonna happen? And still wanting this child. So it's a lot. It's so many things happening.

Carli (25:42.148)

Carli (25:52.1)
Mm. Mm.

Carli (26:03.268)
Yeah, I forgot I had those thoughts for sure. You just reminded me, but you as a woman, if you've never had a child before, talk about first lesson and letting go is your body is creating this child while you are just kind of along the ride. And so talk about having to trust your vessel and trust something else, something greater. Yeah, and that is such a, yep, it's just a, you're kind of just.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (26:06.851)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (26:24.035)
Thank you.

Mm -hmm. It is.

Carli (26:32.868)
I always say you can live on faith or fear and you, in every moment with pregnancy, get to choose one. And you have to choose, because you can't be in both.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (26:41.347)
Yes, yes. You're always in that middle, you know, you're always there because you're, you know, you're in that process, your body's constantly changing. So you're having to just trust the process, trust the process at each moment. And so, you know, that's to kind of tie acupuncture back in. It's like, that's where, you know, I meet.

women when they're going through either when they're trying or when they have gotten pregnant and they're having some issues that really need to like get, you know, feel more balanced and you know, they're having, you know, either nausea or headaches, you know, things that they can't really take a medicine for. That's where acupuncture comes in and it helps to calm. First of all, we're calm and we're working on like bringing it back because it's so, you know, we don't live like...

Most people don't live off the grid anymore. So living away from all of these external stressors, you don't really get a chance to just immerse yourself in the possibilities of what could go wrong. So with us having access, we're always like here on the phone, and we're always seeing stuff. And so it gives us a lot of opportunities.

Carli (27:53.924)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (28:05.219)
It gives you a moment to just like say, okay, I can take an hour off out of my week, one hour out of my week and I can go in for a session. I can not only get a medical treatment, but I also get a nap. And I...

Carli (28:13.604)
One hour.

Carli (28:24.772)
If I could have seen you every single day of my pregnancy, I would have, because I just, all these memories are flooding back while you're talking. I was very sick with Hadley. I was so sick. It was hard to get to the office. I was so nauseous. And in hindsight, I really think I should have worked on, in hindsight, 2020, I should have worked on gallbladder support, bile flow.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (28:38.435)
Yeah, I get it.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (28:51.235)


Carli (28:54.5)
and detoxing more before I got pregnant because I think my liver was really overwhelmed with all the hormones because it was already overwhelmed with. I hadn't done a parasite cleanse yet. I hadn't done a good detox and we're living in quite a dirty world and you had referenced that earlier with all the toxins and pollutants. I think that is a huge majority of the root cause of sickness. And I think when I got pregnant, all the work that I hadn't done yet on myself showed up and it was debilitating.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (29:23.139)
Yeah. Yeah.

Carli (29:24.868)
And the acupuncture was the way, I wouldn't say it like completely relieved the nausea. That's not what I would say. What I would say is it gave me the life force to keep fighting. Cause I felt like I was fighting for our lives. That's how I felt. I mean, that might sound dramatic. That's how it felt. But that's so like the Chi that you had mentioned. It felt like I was just getting enough to get through and it would relieve, I think you left.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (29:36.515)
Great. Great.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (29:42.403)

Carli (29:52.996)
I would leave with some beads. What are the acupuncture beads? Air seeds. I was like, I'll just take anything I can take with me.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (29:55.907)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we put some of them in. Yeah, and so you can press your points while you're at home. And because, because, and that's the, that's the crazy thing about the system that we have. It's like, you can also get treat, you can also carry out your treatment. So, you know, we have these micro systems on our body. So the ear is a major micro system. So.

It has every point that you can think of for each part of your body. So there's a point for your eye. There's a point for your nose on the ear. There's a point just specifically for your low back on your ear. There's a point for, it's called shin men, which is spirit gate or neuro gate. And that helps to calm your nervous system down and get you out of that fight or.

and just kind of like brings everything in and that's a point that I do on every treatment. Yeah, every treatment you'll get, ear, shin, men, you know, we'll put it, you know, on each side most of the time. And then I can, you know, put on ear seeds, put your ear seeds on so that when you go home, you can continue to press those points. And then of course, you might get some herbs to take home as well. That carries out your treatment that gives,

Carli (30:58.82)
good, I was like, I need that right now.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (31:23.075)
that the herbs actually bring in that nutritional support or the natural medicine support. So that helps. Whatever we treat it with the acupuncture points, we're going to continue with the herbs until you can come back in.

Carli (31:42.212)
I love that. That's spiritual gait. If anyone feels stuck in fight or flight, I always like to say, I thought I was a calm person until I did acupuncture. You leave understanding what it really feels like to feel calm, truly. And it's, my gosh, I'm just craving it so badly right now. I'm gonna, when we get off this call, we're gonna schedule something. Because it is one of those treatments. It feels like, let's do this and let's do this. Sometimes it can feel like we're doing, and even I can feel that way, but.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (32:00.559)
I know!

Carli (32:11.268)
If we're talking about, like you said, one hour and you leave feeling like a new human, acupuncture does that for you. And it is a spiritual practice. So, my gosh, that's why I love it. So, speaking of that, you are also a reiki master. Can you just talk also about what reiki is? Because I'm sure that's also something a lot of people haven't done. And do you do that with every session? Is that a separate practice? Just kind of paint that picture.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (32:37.603)
Okay, so Reiki is one of the hardest things for me to explain, but it's actually really simple. Okay, so you know I was talking about the, you know, we're all energetic. We have electromagnetic frequencies and things like that. So Reiki starts actually going into the chakra system. And so, you know, your chakras, we have seven.

Carli (32:45.124)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (33:05.475)
I like this, we have more chakras than what mainstream says, but we have our seven main. So we have from the root to the crown, they're energy vortices, basically. So it's a vortex. We have vortex, a vortex, basically seven of them, in the center of your body, basically. So each area of your body you can think of, you have your root, your sacral.

your solar plexus, which is like right in the middle of your body, right over your, in your abdomen. You have your heart, throat, your, your brow or your third eye chakra and which sits right in front of your pineal gland. And then you have your crown. And so each one of these there's a rotation of energy, right? And so sometimes those energy centers can kind of get jacked up or hijacked.

throughout our normal daily processes. And over time, if they don't go back into their normal flow, that's when you can start getting issues there. So they can manifest as physical issues, emotional, spiritual issues. Sometimes we can start collecting other people's spiritual baggage, you know, in our energy or their emotions.

Carli (34:27.076)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (34:31.075)
And so what Reiki does is that we are coming in with the intention to help your body get in balance. So I'm not forcing anything. I am basically standing in helping. So I'm using my hands. So once you've gotten trained in Reiki, you are able to...

concentrate and focus your like you can you can basically become like a vessel to Help move it help move any type of energy that no longer serves that person that you're working so 10 what did they say 10 7 to 10 Hertz of energy can come from the palms of our hands if we intentionally Channel that right so we can you know you can literally go you know?

Carli (35:12.836)

Carli (35:25.44)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (35:29.475)
Like to one of your kids today and they come to you and they say my you know Like they say something is hurting right you can with your intention with your love and your compassion You can put your hand on on them or wherever it hurts basically and you can help it move out You know, you can help that like say they bang their arm on something if they didn't break it, right? It's just like they just like, you know, you know dinged it, you know our fail or something

Carli (35:53.924)
Keep it realistic here, we're not fixing broken bones with Reggie.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (35:58.979)
I mean, although, right, probably could be a really big help. But if something needs to be reset and fixed, for sure, go to the emergency room. I don't, I'm not against that part at all, for sure. If you need surgery, if you need, you know, a cast or whatever, please go do that. But for things that, you know, are, are.

Carli (36:19.108)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (36:25.027)
on that level of, you know, they can, they just need a little time, little mending, you know, things like that. You can put your hand over that and you can send that intention and that love to that area or to that person. And that's, and that's how energy, you know, we're, we're just intentionally using our, and I'm not even using my own energy. I'm using like the universal, the energy that's. Yeah.

Carli (36:48.9)

You're directing light horse energy from the universe, redirecting and amplifying maybe.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (36:53.891)
Yeah, we're just redirecting. So we're channeling that energy. Yeah, so yeah, so yeah, it amplifies it. So when you whenever you have that good intention and, and honestly, it only works when you have that intention to help that person. So it's not like, yes.

Carli (37:12.548)
This is the power of the mind. I want to interject that you're saying intention has power and that's actually proven in studies. There is a study that basically they are talking about stress and two cohorts of people that are stressed.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (37:21.155)
Thank you.

Carli (37:33.028)
One, they work on a belief system that the stress is harmful to them. And one, they're working on a belief system that the stress, although they have it, it's not actually harming them. And they did measurements, labs before and after, and it shows like double blind, the stress is only harmful if you believe it is. And this probably gets into quantum energetics and that kind of thing.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (37:55.583)
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Carli (37:59.268)
But that's exactly what you're saying. You are taking an intention, a clear intention, and you are redirecting and amplifying energy. And you know what, I love the reminder of working with kids because my kids are awesome and open -minded, but I think all kids in general are open -minded where you can say that you're healing with your hand and they'll be open -minded enough to accept that and actually feel that as opposed to me going to my husband and like.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (38:20.503)

Carli (38:24.804)
holding his neck, he'd be like, OK, take a high Clooney tune. But my son will think I'm a superhero, you know? And so that's so special. He can feel it. I bet he can. I have very energetically sensitive children, yes. So I love that reminder. So that paints a perfect example of Reiki. And when you sit down, it's kind of like going to get a massage, except you're not getting massaged. You're getting massaged energetically. And you leave feeling really

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (38:34.307)
I think you can't help but feel it.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (38:50.563)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (38:53.444)
kind of the way you feel after acupuncture. You feel kind of floaty on a cloud, really.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (38:56.227)
Yes. Yeah. Yeah, because you've got like, you have okay, so let's say when you go to get a like, an acupuncture treatment, you're not really trying to control the situation, you're just going to go ahead and get on the table, we're going to start. You're just kind of like letting it be right, you're gonna you're gonna let

Because you're gonna actually feel some energy movement because you're feeling your body you're actually able to tune in and feel your body and how you know you're feeling what's what's happening, so you're gonna feel like some Some oscillation movements you're gonna feel like things are going side to side up and down you might feel heavy you might feel warm or cool sensations you're gonna feel different things move because that's you feeling energy

the same thing happens with Reiki. That's why I actually like to do hour sessions versus 30 minute sessions. Sometimes it takes a little bit to kind of like go through these energetic layers that people have up. You know, because it's like you're like, you know, you know, the person wants this treatment, but sometimes that

Carli (39:56.612)

Carli (40:02.724)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (40:15.427)
in that thing in their head, they're still trying to control the situation. Yeah, so now we're, you know, we're trying to like get through. So like we're clearing, we're clearing, we're clearing, and we're clearing. And then we're finally, okay, then I finally feel like the, so I'm feeling like each energy center while they're laying down. So I'm going from head to toe feeling. I go to joints, joints or energy centers as well. They kind of like,

Carli (40:19.268)
It's like spiritual defensiveness.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (40:42.627)
collect energy or energy can get stuck in there. You know, of course people have, we use our joints so much. And so I'm touching these different areas I'm feeling, I'm like, you know, what is it? Like, is it hot or cold? Or do I feel any kind of like, sometimes I can feel like a little like what feels like a magnet. That's what I'm usually feeling. So it feels like, so if you ever had two opposing magnets, you can feel like that, you know, that movement. That's what I'm feeling a lot.

Carli (41:10.724)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (41:12.003)
when I'm working and then sometimes you'll kind of like get an area where it kind of pulls you or you'll have an area where it kind of like pushes you away and so then I start that's where I started kind of working and so that's why it takes a few minutes to kind of like start to feel so you have you know you kind of got to tune in you got to get your mindset you know Reiki is not a religion or anything but I do say prayers

Carli (41:19.908)
So cool.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (41:38.947)
that helped me connect, you know, helped me connect to God to help this person. You know, God is, for me, God is the universe, the universe is God. Because God is everything. And so I'm, you know, asking for that healing energy to come into the room and to help us, you know, help us together, help this person. Because when I'm doing a raking session, I'm also getting helped as well.

Carli (42:08.516)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (42:09.219)
So it's not like it's sucking energy for me. You know, I'm also getting a treatment. So it's just, yeah.

Carli (42:12.196)

Carli (42:15.78)
I love that. And it's good to kind of point out that you're doing all this work with essentially it's unseen energy. You're feeling it. We know it's there. It's been measured scientifically, but it is unseen to the eye. And I think it's helpful for people to understand. You might go seek Reiki support if you're doing the physical work or taking supplements, maybe you're changing your diet. If there's some stubborn symptoms,

there is some whole other layers to your physical wellbeing that might need addressed, right? And that's where this might help shift things so you respond better to those physical things, right? And then spiritually, if you're able to open up in a session, and it's probably not as much talking in Reiki as it is with acupuncture, is that right?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (42:48.003)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (43:05.827)
Right, and it depends on the client or the patient because some are going to kind of like be more, like either ask a question or say like, hey, I can feel more over here. Or actually, I started feeling something move out of my leg or something like that. And so that does help me.

see where I'm going with things. I do use crystals when I use it because crystals they are, they come straight from the earth. They have their own energetic properties. Some of them are really good at helping absorb negative energies and helping to like transmute things or even like redirect as well.

Carli (43:59.3)
Yeah, I think of crystals. I always, like, of course, get so excited when you talk about them. They have the highest level of entropy. So I think that crystalline structure helps kind of organize the energy like you're talking about, right? Like, bring in the good, kind of remove the bad. That's why you need to kind of clear. How do you clear your crystals? Moonlight or do you use other, like,

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (44:12.995)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (44:22.019)
It depends on which one it is. So like say, I like to use selenite a lot. It's like really soft, you know, so it needs to go outside. It can't go in there. Some of my harder crystals like quartz, tourmaline, things like that, I can probably rinse them or do like a sound clearing for them or a sage. I'll say.

Carli (44:28.676)
It's Ellen Night. Yes. Yes.


Carli (44:46.596)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (44:47.747)
And then I'll put them in a window, let the sun hit them, depending on what it is. Some of them are light sensitive. So you kind of got to have a cool one. They have their own personalities. So they have their own, you know, like you just wouldn't use this, you know. Now there are some crystals that like to do everything. They're like the...

Carli (44:54.372)
I have a lot to learn. I got to take, we got to talk crystals because I don't think I'm taking care of my babies correctly.

Carli (45:04.868)
my gosh.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (45:14.339)
multi, what do you call those people that like to do a lot of different projects, like your quartz and your selenite. They're kind of like, if you don't have anything, yeah, they're multitaskers. So you can like, if I only have those around, we'll just use that. That's enough, you know? So I don't make it that complicated. And sometimes if I don't have my crystals, it's okay, because maybe I didn't need them at that moment. Like I don't make it too complicated.

Carli (45:22.5)

Carli (45:29.572)

I love that.

Carli (45:36.836)
Sure, sure. A lot of past. Yep, you kind of just have to lean in. So I'm sure everyone listening can tell why I'm obsessed with you because we have so many interests. So this is reminding me, you are a projector in human design like me, right? We're both projectors. So I'm going to eventually have two human design readers lined up to be on the podcast. But for anyone listening who knows what human design is,

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (45:44.163)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (45:53.507)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (46:01.539)

Carli (46:06.692)
I would just love to hear from you. What has learning about being a projector changed for you? Like learning about yourself, how has it empowered you? Because some people ask me, why do you care about human design? Why is it so important? I haven't done a great job of articulating how much it's changed my life. And not to put the pressure on you to figure it out, but just maybe one thing that learning that you're a projector, how has it empowered you to be more you or helped you specifically in some way?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (46:29.539)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (46:34.531)
It helped me understand that I could...

that I was really on the right path when I was working smarter and not harder. Because I realized, OK, the world we're living in is very generator -based, right? So like right now still, everything is like, go, go, go, hustle, hustle, hustle. And especially living in Houston, this is a hustle town. Like, ew, it's a workhorse town. So it's like, you got to get it. It's so like,

Carli (46:46.18)
Hmm, smooth.

Carli (47:03.62)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (47:10.755)
And so being in this energy here, you learn how to take a, it's okay. I realized, okay, it's okay if I take a day off. I can take a day off in the middle of the week. It's okay. And then also learning about the undertones, right? So like how we respond and like how we are such like,

Carli (47:26.18)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (47:40.355)
Like we really are like natural, I guess natural teachers or like want people to really understand things. You know, we like to see the bigger picture and then sometimes if somebody doesn't understand it or somebody doesn't get it, you can go into that bitterness. And so you get upset that they didn't get it or they didn't, you know, they didn't respond to you or, you know, they didn't.

you know or even like the invitation right so I noticed like okay they didn't ask me for this information so I'm gonna stop you know doing unsolicited things I'm gonna only respond when I've been invited and I'm okay.

Carli (48:07.748)

Carli (48:22.884)
That is very healing. So for projectors, for people that don't understand our strategy, and everybody has a strategy, each energy type. And this is, it's putting words to the energetic body that you work with, right? It's putting words to understand how our energetic body works, because we all work differently. So what she's talking about is projectors, we need to be invited. So let's say my mom is in the kitchen eating potato chips that are not organic and made with seed oil.

If I go up to my mom and I say, that is one of the most inflammatory fat storage foods you could eat, and she doesn't see me as a health expert, she doesn't care for my advice, if that is not invited, if I am not recognized in her eyes as that person, then that advice will just basically be such a waste of energy for me. And I will feel that. I will feel that rejection.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (49:09.027)
Thank you.

Carli (49:21.252)
So we as producers need to be invited. And once we're invited, people love our information. We are guides and it's life giving to share, but unsolicited advice from us specifically is kryptonite.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (49:21.411)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (49:34.339)
It is because it's like you want so badly to help that like you feel like you're that person by telling them but they came at them, you know, they're like, wait, you're like, what? I remember being a child and you know, you know, you when you start like learning stuff in school, like cigarettes are bad and all this stuff, right? So I told this woman.

Carli (49:37.828)
Yes. We're trying to help. No, but no.

Carli (50:02.66)
boy, the little mini projector, Jordan.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (50:05.027)
I really smoked a cigarette and told her that I said, did you know that it takes seven years off of your life?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (50:13.667)
She didn't ask me for any of that.

Carli (50:18.34)
that's so good. Little mini projectors. I can't. My son's a little projector. And it's amazing to know the energy type, the human design of my kids, because I have a manny gen daughter who is a Capricorn. And I am in for it. I am so in for it. But my mom is a manny gen Capricorn. So I know what the adult version is like. It's so empowering, though. Anyway.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (50:33.699)
Yes. Yeah, it's really amazing.


Carli (50:46.404)
We connect on that so much. So what I want to do is dovetail into spirituality. Because you spoke about Reiki, how you can use intention and prayer and kind of universe God energy. I just kind of want to hear how spirituality is used in your practice. And if there's any practices people could...

maybe start to start connecting to source and God. Because I think it can be overwhelming. I think prayer people understand, but are there any other practices that are helpful for you to feel connected before you do your work?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (51:17.539)
I go outside and ground myself, put my feet on the earth and get those, charges, you know, those ionic charges. That's number one. Yes, that's number one because, you know, the earth is, has always been here for us. And that's a, you know, even though, you know, the, you know, science is there, there's science and spirituality. It's, you can't really separate.

Carli (51:21.092)

Carli (51:27.78)
Give me those electrons.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (51:48.099)
So I go outside and I really, that's what I, every day, you know, I go outside, that's how I connect. That's how I kind of like get my energy moving, get everything going and make sure that, you know, I'm warm, like my hands are warm. That's just showing that your energy is actually flowing. And so, you know, then I, if I have time, I really try.

to do in meditation. But a lot of times my meditation ends up being when I'm outside. That's just how I kind of, you know, kind of like, you know, get everything focused for the day. And then I go, once I go in to meet a client or a patient, I'm able to really be there and connect for them. And then of course, like,

Carli (52:23.332)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (52:40.707)
You know, when I'm having like a whole clinic day, I'm working with multiple patients, I do have to like do some things to clear my own energy. Sometimes certain cases are going to be more intense than others, depending on what they had going on. So sometimes, you know, that can be a little bit more draining, you know, even though I'm not intentionally putting all of my energy into each person like that, you know what I'm saying? Like pulling my energy.

Carli (52:48.132)

Carli (53:07.428)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (53:10.019)
But you know, just because again, anytime you're around another person, you are sharing some energetic information. Whether we're saying it or not, our brains are antennas and we are sharing information. And so I'm starting, you know, I can collect a lot of, you know, we can collect a lot of spiritual baggage from other people. And you know, you could,

Like say for example, you walk into a room and it was like maybe they just had a party in there. So you're going to feel good when you walk into that room. And then maybe you go into the next room and there is a really tough conversation that was had or somebody heard some really bad news. And so you can tell like something, there's a big shift from being with these people.

to being with this person over here. So that's the same thing. We can go through multiple situations like that in a whole day. So by the time the end of your day has happened, you've collected all of this stuff. And now you've got to find a way to clear that. And so sometimes between patients, a lot of times actually.

Carli (54:12.676)
Mm -hmm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (54:37.827)
between patients, I use my chime and I energy clear with sound. And even if it was a really good conversation or a really good session, I still clear that energy because I just want to make sure that that room that I'm using is reset for the next person.

Carli (54:41.156)

Carli (54:45.86)
I love that.

Carli (54:59.716)
Energetic hygiene. Yep. That reminded me, that's why I've been using, I've kind of like been bathing in ME support by Cellcore. Have you used that before?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (55:08.575)
Yes, it's been a while, but yes.

Carli (55:12.676)
It's just, it can clear the energy of a room. You know, you can put it in a spray bottle, but I'll use it if my kids are having like a meltdown. And so that's a tool. I mean, I don't think anything's better than nature, like you mentioned, but sound. I do have a chime. That's such a good idea. Sound healing. I feel like that's so where the future is going.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (55:29.955)
it, yes, sound healing and even just like visualization, you know, visualizing that all is well, you know, or visualizing a light coming in to kind of like clear things out because we always forget that, you know, sometimes we don't have a tool, you know, maybe at home or maybe we're somewhere we've traveled.

Carli (55:36.196)

Carli (55:53.444)
Mm -mm.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (55:57.827)
and we don't have all of our things with us. You can use your mind. Your mind is your, actually, your first, your main one. So always go there first. Yeah. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Carli (56:00.804)
So true.

Carli (56:05.924)
We should go there first. It's so true. We're just so conditioned. We're conditioned to go for the things, myself included. And you're so right, always going in. That's always the best thing. Okay, I could talk to you for five hours. I know you probably have babies to deliver, but the end. If you know, fertility, infertility being such a just widespread topic right now that many people are struggling with.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (56:28.515)

Carli (56:33.828)
If you had a couple tips, maybe say two or three, that you could share of maybe how people could support themselves energetically, physically anything for fertility, what would you share?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (56:48.099)
Number one address the fears that you have for both partners and because the male partner can really change outcomes as well for sure like major outcomes even just with his mind right yeah so yes and then number two

Carli (57:09.764)
And like, again, memories coming back.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (57:17.635)
address the endocrine disruptors. That's a major, major factor. And we tend to willy -nilly use a lot of things that we're like, okay, well, I'm gonna use it today. But it's kind of like we still kind of like, find ourselves kind of like using a lot of things like plastics and clothing is a hard one because you really do want to just like, sometimes I just want to...

You know, just go to a... I don't want to have to order things. I just want to go into Walmart, go into Target, just grab some random stuff. This is cute. I want to put this on, but I'm realizing, man, this might be leeching into my skin. So then it's like, how do I get... How do you get out of it? And it's like, sometimes you end up still using plastic bottles, plastic containers, you know.

Carli (58:07.204)
Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Carli (58:15.012)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (58:15.971)
perfumes of my nails are done, of course, if I wanted that. But then it's like, okay, whatever habits that you have, recognize, like always kind of like notate like, okay, that I need to make sure that I'm doing some kind of like cleansing, detoxing on the regular. Yeah, so make sure you're consistently addressing your

Carli (58:39.684)
I wish I had.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (58:46.147)
your drainage, you're constantly addressing the toxicity that you're coming into. And just that's, you know, like we talked about spiritual hygiene, you have to do like the talk, you know, like, not only like taking a bath, right, that's hygienic, but also like helping your organs do their own bath, you know, their hygiene. Yeah, yeah.

Carli (58:47.044)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (59:05.988)
Yes, yes.

Unplug the drain so it can drain, right? Lymphatic system and bile ducts, all the things that we're talking about. Yes, absolutely. That's been a game changer in my practice. Once I started doing drainage work, people stop herxing and having reactions when you help them get rid of candida or parasites or toxins, right? They're not having all these horrible reactions because you've opened up the exits. That's huge.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (59:31.235)
Right. It's not getting like, you're not moving something and then it's getting stuck. It's actually able to leave. And so that's something, you know, those are the things that I say work on, you know, your mind, your mindset, your toxicity levels. So how full is your toxin bucket? And then just overall, like, go outside. I mean, seriously, like go.

Carli (59:36.676)
Right. Yes.

Carli (59:59.236)
Yes, indeed.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:00:00.195)
move your body but go outside. Like start doing things that connect you to nature as much as possible. Really because that's that's the only way you can really like kind of tie everything in together. Your body knows it's okay when it's connected to the earth. That's it.

Carli (01:00:10.916)
I love that.

Carli (01:00:20.964)
I'd love that. And those.

those might be things that people have heard, it doesn't mean they're doing them. And that's three huge things I can speak from experience. I mean, the fear and the toxicity alone were big pieces of my puzzle. And then nature, I think we can always work on because, I love it. I could just go out in my backyard and I do it every single day, but it's still a fraction of what we've evolved from doing. We lived in nature.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:00:37.795)
Mm -hmm.

Carli (01:00:49.892)
Our bodies are happiest there and there's natural self -healing that's going on. So those three are so powerful. I just don't want people to take that and be like, yeah, yeah. It's like, no, really. That's where so much of the needle moving can come from.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:01:00.483)
It's so simple, really. Sometimes I feel like it's too simple, but don't do it.

Carli (01:01:08.164)
That's the problem. People are like, where's the prescription? Where's the big surgery? Where's the big thing? It's like, no, ma 'am, nope. For me, it was the letting go. And fear was a big one, for sure. So that was so well said. So Dr. Jordan, you are the best. This has been so incredible. Where can people find you?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:01:28.611)
So you can always go to my website. That is www .ihappapointforthat .com. Of course, I'm on social media, at I have a point for that on all platforms, including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. The reason I do that is because people use different platforms. So I'm just like, let me just put all my content on.

Carli (01:01:47.012)


Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:01:58.211)
Every platform you'll find and so somebody eventually will find it and then sub stack. I do have a sub stack. I do need to, you know, get back to my posting, but I have to take a break. I got as soon as like, as soon as like really after the new year, things got really turned up, really busy. So, you know, I just have to, I'm gonna, you know.

Carli (01:01:58.276)

Carli (01:02:24.068)
This is, and really why I'm like, wow, is because I know the effort and the time it takes to be on all the platforms and it is a goal of mine. But when you're seriously doing the work that you're doing and running your own business and are you doing acupuncture, traveling acupuncture right now? Are you still doing that? Where you go, you.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:02:38.979)
Yes, I do do home visits. I still do home visits. And I put them in a space to where it's two times a week. And then I have the office time. So I really have it. Yeah.

Carli (01:02:52.036)
That's incredible. I would have done that. I would have done that because I was feeling it was so hard for me to get to the office when I was sick with when I was pregnant. So I love that. And so the last thing, two seconds, you're also we didn't get to talk about the fact that you're a doula. I don't know what to even ask about that. But just what does that journey look like? How much of your time is that taking right now?

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:03:05.827)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:03:14.147)
it's, you know what? It's actually the way I've worked it in is that, it's, it goes together. It's, it's not like, so I take on like one to two clients a month, basically. So I'm not overwhelmed. I can really devote my energy to that, to those clients. sometimes I end up having three births in a month, even though I only have one, one client scheduled for that.

Carli (01:03:27.876)

Carli (01:03:40.612)
they collapsed in.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:03:43.619)
Yes, like it's, you know, so it, but it works out, it always works out because, you know, it goes back to the intention and thought process that I've had. It's like, okay, whichever way, because when, before I became a doula, I was kind of nervous to do it because I was like, is it going to take over my life? You know, that I'm not going to be able to do the, the, you know, the acupuncture side that I really love too, but it hasn't. It's...

Carli (01:04:11.62)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:04:12.227)
balance, it feels good. It feels really good to be able to support people in that time that they're most vulnerable, support families when, you know, they're going through, you know, because, you know, I'm, you know, I haven't had a child yet. But I, you know, I can only imagine the thought process that you're going through once you use a culture you get, you're like, yes, because, you know,

Carli (01:04:20.26)

Carli (01:04:37.732)
Freak out time.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:04:41.763)
Most of my births are in the hospital. I'm actually preparing for two home births, which I'm really excited about. So I'll.

Carli (01:04:50.148)
How exciting. It's also amazing to have an advocate that you can trust who's natural minded in the hospital. That is a blessing because your brain shuts off because you're just concentrating on bringing a life into the world. So having someone like you is so invaluable, truly. Well, I will share all of your handles and all the places people can find you. I'm so impressed. And thank you for your time and your energy. This was so fun. And I can't wait to talk more projector things with you because what I'm telling you, you.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:04:56.579)

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:05:01.475)
Yes. Right.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:05:10.371)
Thank you.

Carli (01:05:18.628)
Once you discover human design, you'll understand this connection and this joy that we are talking about here. But thank you for your time and we'll see everyone next time on The Wellness Frequency.

Dr. Jordan Etters-Boyd (01:05:32.547)
Thank you.